Our Beliefs

Helping Everyone Everywhere Find and Follow Jesus
Mission: Acts 1:8 After the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the Earth.
Everyone Everywhere needs the opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.
Fulfilling the Great Commission with Everyone Everywhere through prayer evangelism, personal evangelism, event evangelism, ministry evangelism and mission opportunities.

Objective: We are working for the day when First Baptist Winnfield will be a Disciple Making Church. By the end of 2024 we will: have a fully integrated new member’s process, have implemented need and affinity based discipleship and outreach programs, have implemented a leadership training process, have added 18 new small groups and have implemented a comprehensive disciple making strategy, be maintaining a work environment that results in a staff team marked by excellence and have fully implemented a Guest Friendly Church Strategy.
By End of 2022:
- Develop and implement a new member class and assimilation process that includes the utilization of spiritual gift profiles
- Provide need/interest based small group options and innovative curriculum choices in order to increase small groups by 8 classes
- Develop and begin implementation of a comprehensive discipleship strategy (Faith Path, Becoming Complete, survival kit for new Christians, mentoring structure, etc.)
- Sponsor community events for outreach and provide need-based programs/events (golf/fishing tournaments, holiday events, financial workshops, ministry to mothers of preschoolers, etc.)
- Invest in small group leaders multiple times annually for focus, equipping, and inspiration
- Create evangelistic and discipleship opportunities for Men’s and Women’s ministry (annual retreats, wild game/seafood events, Sunday/Wednesday night study series, etc.)
- Create new and keep current personnel policies that will attract and retain an excellent staff team
By End of 2024:
- Continue to implement 2021-2022 strategies
- Add 10 additional small groups
- Fully implement comprehensive discipleship strategy

Mission: Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.
Everyone Everywhere needs the opportunity to be a fully growing reproducing follower of Jesus Christ.
Making Disciples of Everyone Everywhere through relationships facilitated by small groups, need-based programs, affinity group events and a fully implemented disciple making strategy.
Objective: We are working for the day when First Baptist Winnfield will be a Disciple Making Church. By the end of 2024 we will: have a fully integrated new member’s process, have implemented need and affinity based discipleship and outreach programs, have implemented a leadership training process, have added 18 new small groups and have implemented a comprehensive disciple making strategy, be maintaining a work environment that results in a staff team marked by excellence and have fully implemented a Guest Friendly Church Strategy.
By End of 2022:
- Develop and implement a new member class and assimilation process that includes the utilization of spiritual gift profiles
- Provide need/interest based small group options and innovative curriculum choices in order to increase small groups by 8 classes
- Develop and begin implementation of a comprehensive discipleship strategy (Faith Path, Becoming Complete, survival kit for new Christians, mentoring structure, etc.)
- Sponsor community events for outreach and provide need-based programs/events (golf/fishing tournaments, holiday events, financial workshops, ministry to mothers of preschoolers, etc.)
- Invest in small group leaders multiple times annually for focus, equipping, and inspiration
- Create evangelistic and discipleship opportunities for Men’s and Women’s ministry (annual retreats, wild game/seafood events, Sunday/Wednesday night study series, etc.)
- Create new and keep current personnel policies that will attract and retain an excellent staff team
By End of 2024:
- Continue to implement 2021-2022 strategies
- Add 10 additional small groups
- Fully implement comprehensive discipleship strategy
Mission: John 20:21 As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.
Everyone Everywhere needs the opportunity to serve others by meeting needs and sharing the gospel along-side other Christ Followers.

Objective: Making serving opportunities available to Everyone Everywhere through offering a wide variety of ministry and mission options like; ministry partnerships, Mission Winnfield, ministry to people in crisis, mission trips and I Serve Sundays.
We are working for the day when First Baptist Winnfield will be marked by ministry to people in need and missions. By the end of 2024 we will: fully implement Mission Winnfield, plan and implement an annual Missions Fair, develop and maintain at least three North American or International Mission Partners and provide a variety of ministry and mission opportunities.
By End of 2022:
- Develop a ministry to people in crisis (Emergency/Disaster relief team, bereavement meals, crisis meals)
- Develop and begin implementing a comprehensive plan for Mission Winnfield
- Develop and maintain 3 mission partnerships (Mission Arlington, Haiti, and one additional North American partnership)
- Expand homebound ministry to involve children, youth, young adults, and senior adults
By End of 2024:
- Continue the strategies outlined in 2021-2022
- Fully implement Mission Winnfield

Mission: Psalms 100:2 Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
Everyone Everywhere needs the opportunity to experience genuine expressions of praise to God.
Making genuine expressions of praise to God available to Everyone Everywhere through creative and diverse expressions of worship, expanding musical talent in all age levels, community-wide programs and utilizing guest artists.
Objective: We are working for the day when First Baptist Winnfield will be marked by genuine expressions of praise to God. By the end of 2024 we will: enhance creative and diverse expressions of worship, recruit and equip musical talent in all age levels (age graded choirs, ensembles, musicians, etc.), facilitate community-wide programs (Christmas Programs, Easter Programs, See You at the Pole, etc.) and utilize special guest artists and groups.
By End of 2022:
- Enhance excitement by encouraging creativity, flexibility, and age diversity in worship
- Recruit, develop and equip musical talent at all age levels
- Support and emphasize community-wide and church-wide programs (See You at the Pole, Parish Fair Concerts, Holiday Events, etc.)
By End of 2024:
- Present community-wide musical programs (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.)
- Schedule popular guest musicians/groups
- Develop and present age graded musical programs and involvement in worship services